Odin’s Pin Hell

Being a chronically bored crow addicted to shiny things, I find myself creating a myriad of objects that are neither jewelry or writing related.

And I am in my own personal hell that is wall-to-wall enamel pins.

Here are my offerings since I have no idea where to list them elsewhere.

Curiosity Kitten Transgender Pride Pin. For those who want to say “Hey I appreciate your willingness to educate yourself, but it makes me uncomfortable to explain.”

Kitten Pins are 12$ each plus shipping. Proceeds from this pin will go towards trans life charities as well as help funding my own top surgery.

I also have a few B-Grade seconds for $8.00. These will have manufacturing defects on them such as metal color distortions, some tiny chips or the nose cavity is not filled correctly. But the majority of the seconds have issues on the back where the finish has tarnished to a point where I cannot polish them clean. Not a big deal especially if you plan on displaying them on clothes or a board.

And there are also Stickers for those who like that! And they are HOLO:

Stickers are $3.00 each and also go towards supporting charities!

The final art was created by a dear friend HYDRAJEN. They make fantastically spooky creations, so be sure to check them out here:




